Our thoughts are now turning our focus to the question of the "service wing" extension at the back of the house. My understanding is that the house has had three major phases: firstly (in 1834?), it was a rectangular schoolhouse of squared limestone with a ridge roof running east to west; the front was at the eastern end where there is part of an archway visible in the wall. Then they converted it to a pair of semis, facing south (we own the western half, on the left of the photo right), adding a larger rectangular structure (in coursed rubble) to create the back rooms and allow for the front doors to be positioned on either side (just visible on either side of the photo right); we have dated this to prior to 1870.

Our plan is to repair this building with a new roof and re-positioned doors and windows. Originally we wanted to extend it but this application was refused as it would have spoiled the symmetry of the pair of buildings. Our plan now, with the Conservation Officer's verbal agreement, is instead to add a conservatory which, being obviously new, does not have the same effect on the symmetry. This conservatory will be a solid piece of structure, hopefully from 6" square oak in a natural finish (if we can afford it!), although the CO has said that it should have a brick wall at one end so that the conservatory is not visible from the front... words fail me. I'll do anything that gets it done and saves me having to have further interaction with such an unpredictable person. The application is in and so now I need to come up with some decisions.
The major decision is how to do the repair work. The building is single brick but we will have to make the walls thicker to meet Building Regulations; hence, does everything have to be done in lime? I am all for it as a general principle but if this is not actually essential for breathability, it would make sense to make the entire finished extension using modern materials, even with Thermalite blocks on the inner skin! Then a builder I know just threw a huge spanner in my works by suggesting that the inner structure could be an insulated wooden frame. I have no idea as to whether this would be acceptable to the CO.
Then the next question will be the materials for the conservatory - the ideal desire for green oak will be simply a matter of whether we can afford it. Hopefully, as it's not large the cost will be vaguely sensible...
Then all I have to do is to enlist the required contractors and we're off! Firstly the lads to demolish most of it, then the groundworker to remove a lot of concrete and earth, then also do the foundations and drains, then the brickie for the footings and walls, then the same demolition lads to do the roof structure, slates and lead. Finally, we'll get the same plasterer, electrician and plumber back. Sounds simple, doesn't it?
[Edited 6 Sep to include photos of service wing]