This week I have fought a battle against some crows, who were intent on building a nest in one of my chimneys, as evidenced by the twigs that kept falling into the lounge fireplace. Despite the lovely weather this week I have lit a roaring fire on three days, sometimes with freshly cut yew producing some lovely smoke. However, I have to report that I think I have lost as, today, there were no twigs in the fireplace but the birds can still be seen putting them in the top! Now I shall have to wait until the little blighters have produced their family before I can clear the nest and put something over the chimney pot to KEEP THEM OUT!
There seemed to be some possible progress in The Mystery of the Free Step Ladder (see entry in March). In church on Wednesday one of the churchwardens asked for my help in a task but said that the church stepladder (aluminium, very light) had gone missing recently. I said that I had a couple of stepladders in my house and could fetch one in a couple of minutes, so I brought the "new" one (aluminium, very light) across for her. We were now pretty convinced that it was indeed the missing one, but then someone found the Church's ladder in the church hall, so we still have no idea as to where the mystery ladder came from.
Other highlights this week included successfully doing a trial fit of a bath measuring 150 cm long in a space 148 cm long (right - note recesses in the plaster on the walls); I have put two coats of satin black on the new front door but am still unhappy with the finish; and

Finally, we often have visits by interested parties, or friends of one of the contractors, or even their wives and children just passing! On Friday it was a friend of Phil's who was wearing a useful looking leather belt/holster, so I asked him what his trade was. "Vision Technician" he replied, without hesitation. Seeing my slightly bemused look, Phil clarified things for me: "He's a window cleaner!"
1 comment:
"Vision technician"?! That's great!
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