Friday 20 May 2011

A Missing Blog Entry

I just want to say that I posted an update on a few things on Thursday May 12th, but it has disappeared!  Apparently there is a problem with Blogspot and they had to reset things back by a couple of days on Friday 13th (no, I'm not superstitious); although there has been a promise to restore the missing ones, mine has yet to re-appear, which is MOST FRUSTRATING as I spent a couple of hours on it.

Of course, it is very difficult to remember exactly what one wrote, and any attempt to do it again would be of lesser quality.  In future I'll keep a draft of what I post...

For the record, it was mostly about doing a bit of limestone wall in coursed rubble - the bottom of the French door which will now be just a window.  On the left is a photo of my handiwork, of which I am quite proud, although it did take an awfully long time.  I have deliberately left the pointing deep so that eventually I can point it in the same colour as the old pointing, but I couldn't do the matching as the same time - it all took a very long time!

1 comment:

Sooz said...

I wondered when the next post would be up and I was surprised that you had apparently left it so long! I have been checking every day!
I'll keep my eyes peeled, hopefully it will turn up soon.